
Bring Clean Water to Underprivileged Rural Families and Children

by Hopes Malaysia Welfare Association

MYR 1,862.60

Raised of MYR 30,000.00 target.



About 2 Years





Sabah - one of the Poorest States in Malaysia - is filled with remote, rural villages and has over 40,000 people who are "hardcore poor". The unavailability of clean water (a basic human need) is a dire, common issue throughout Sabah's rural community - especially in the remote poverty-stricken villages of Kota Belud.

With over 74 villages in the underserved district,these underprivileged, indigenous families are not connected to basic amenities and utilities due to their remote locations. Families and young children have no proper access to a clean, reliable water supply for their daily needs, making life much harder than it already is for them during this Covid-19 pandemic.


Dire Issues Faced By The Rural Sabah Community

1. Due to the Remoteness of Scattered Villages, the rural Kota Belud community lives off-the-grid and is forced to rely on natural water sources (rivers, streams, etc.) for their daily needs. Rural families do not have clean water usage available at home.

2. The rural community needs to Harvest Water From Faraway Water Sources to carry back home for usage. Besides this, families may also need to directly use water from its source. This is both Dangerous and Troublesome for the elderly and small children who wash clothes and bathe in the water.

3. Some rurals villages do not have a natural water source. Families must Use Polluted Water from unclean sources (ditches, holes, etc.) or inefficiently collect rain (unavailable during Borneo's frequent droughts), often carrying harmful Waterborne Diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever.

4, With Covid-19 pandemic, many have suffered Job loss and cannot afford the High Cost Of City Living, returning to rural villages. They are solely relying on farming as their only means to Eat, Earn and Live. However, rural life and farming are much Harder Without Proper Water Supply.

5. Continuous poverty and unemployment have Worsened Rural Livelihoods. Families are Unable To Self-Sustain and now depend on Unsustainable External Aid (Food Bags) to live instead of growing their own food for self-consumption. The Lack of Water increases the daily struggles of the rural community.





"Clean water is a basic human need for everyone. All things start with Water."

Providing Access To Clean And Safe Water for Rural Families Via Gravity Water Systems

By connecting the rural community with access to clean and safe water, these isolated families are able to Live and Earn Sustainably, reaching their full potential. Gravity Water Systems utilise natural water sources, near or far, and easily bring the 100% Free, Drinkable supply to homes and farms through long-lasting piping and tanks. The Basic Need Of Water Becomes Available Anytime, leading to a Long-Term, Improved Standard Of Living!

We have completed 7 gravity water systems ranging from 2km to 7km connecting various remote Kota Belud villages and benefiting more than 8,000 rural villagers in need. Work includes replacing and repairing existing systems, building new systems and piping. While fulfilling the basic need of clean and safe water, we Empower Villagers with the skills and knowledge needed to maintain and repair the systems - Feasible, Sustainable and ensuring families Continuous Benefits For Generations To Come!




Benefits Of A Sustainable Gravity Water System

  • Unlimited access to clean water at home & farm for everyday usage.

  • Sustainable cost-free supply with low maintenance.

  • Improved health (Water has no pollution or diseases). 

  • Creates Opportunities, as families can start sustainable small-scale farming, providing food security and increased income.

  • Able to be utilised for fish farming (protein source).

  • Water can be stored in tanks for backup supply during droughts.

Gravity water systems relieve at least one daily burden from rural families, granting Sustainable Livelihoods. Mothers, farmers and children can now safely use and drink water without any danger or worry.



Goal Breakdown

Goal 1 - Polypipes (water pipes) and Accessories . Amount Needed: MYR20,000.00

Goal 2 - Water Tanks. Amount Needed: MYR8,000.00

Goal 3 - Transportation and Manpower. Amount Needed: MYR2,000.00

Contribute now and help the rural families gain access to clean water for improved health!


Water insecurity is one of the biggest issues faced by the rural families in Sabah. Via our gravity water system projects, the underprivileged rural families will have unlimited access to clean and safe water for FREE, providing an improved health in the long-term. They will have greater opportunities to venture into sustainable small-scale farming, providing better food security and an increased income through selling their fresh harvest. 



Thanks to your support, Kampung Tinata Nuluhon's families can now rest assured knowing that they have more than enough clean water access daily with the upgraded gravity water system. They don’t need to collect rainwater again, especially during droughts. 

We are still in need of donations to make a sustainable difference for more families in need. With your help, we will be able to help more underprivileged rural families have access to clean water. 


Find out how you can make an impact here:



Kampung Tinata Nuluhon is now able to have better access to clean and safe water thanks to YOU!

The community received the materials needed and has started “gotong royong” to upgrade their gravity-fed water system.

This isolated community has been facing serious water supply issues since 2010, with No nearby natural water source and No public water access. They had to struggle with insufficient water for their daily household and farming needs, especially with the increasing population. Villagers are forced to efficiently collect rainwater for everyday usage.

Thanks to Your support

MYR 1,862.60

Raised of MYR 30,000.00 target.







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Amount Donated

MYR 1,065.00

Anonymous Donor
All the best

Amount Donated

MYR 26.63

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 213.00

Anonymous Donor
All the best

Amount Donated

MYR 213.00

Anonymous Donor
All the best

Amount Donated

MYR 106.50

Lee Sock Im
Giving is more blessed than receiving. Do it when we are able to. Wish everyone the best success.

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

Hopes Malaysia Welfare Association

Hopes Malaysia is an emerging non-governmental organisation based in Kota Kinabalu,
focusing on Sustainable Community Development projects to meet the basic needs
of the underprivileged, marginalized Sabah community. Food Insecurity, inaccessibility
to Clean Water
 and the Need for Better Livelihoods are just some of the pressing issues we
tackle to provide rural families with a brighter future.

Since 2016, Hopes Malaysia has been actively empowering remote and rural villages in
Kadamaian, Kota Belud, Sabah, helping over 8,000 villagers in rural communities via
sustainable, long-term projects. We have since connected more than 30 kilometers of piping
to bring water to rural families. With this, we have introduced over 80 rural families to 17
new types
of local produce and poultry rearing, consistently harvesting 70 kilograms of fish
and 60 chicken eggs daily. This has improved the rural community's food security
and increased farmers income by 53% via selling extra produce.

Hopes Malaysia is now expanding its work to empower more rural families in sustainable
small-scale farming
, ultimately leading to improved self-sustainable livelihoods and food
for the long-term future!

Fundraisers supporting this Campaign

MYR 108.59

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended