
#DonateYourAngPau for Dialysis Care

by Great Heart Charity Association

MYR 8,211.63

Raised of MYR 21,600.00 target.



About 5 Years





Many are not aware of the difficult physical and emotional battle kidney patients may face, and the financial challenges they encounter. Going for treatments three times a week can bring their treatment costs up to RM3,500/month. This has caused many financial difficulties for the low-income patient. Some patients even refuse treatment because they do not want to be a financial burden to their families.

These are the families’ background:

Family A. A father who had to rely on his lorry driver son for his living after depleting his life saving on dialysis treatment and whose wife been recently diagnosed with stroke as well.


Family B. A mother who was abandoned by her two children, has high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney failure, and is now staying alone in a rented apartment room.


Family C. An unaccompanied elderly suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure, and had undergone a bypass surgery, who strive hard to continue earning a living by working as a workshop admin.


Family D. A single, unaccompanied elderly suffering from SLE, thyroid cancer, asthma, high blood pressure, and kidney disease, who relies on her depleting EPF savings for a living.


Family E. A husband suffering from kidney failure had used up all his KWSP savings for his dialysis treatment and is now relying on his wife, who has to take up 2 jobs a day to sustain his treatment costs.



Great Heart supports families undergoing dialysis treatment every month by subsidising up to RM720 of their monthly medical fees. Each of the support extended will be for a period of 6 months review basis. Most of these families are in the process of applying for treatment subsidies from agencies such as the Ministry of Health and SOCSO, which takes time. Thus, the assistance provided by Great Heart will help ease the beneficiaries’ burden during this process.


Funds raised from this campaign will enable us to extend support for five of the dialysis care families for a period of 6 months.


With this #DonateYourAngPau campaign, in conjunction with Chinese New Year celebration, Ang Pau giving is accustomed during this celebration. And why not for this year, instead of spending on your Ang Pau money, you can donate it to these less fortunate families so that they can have the best CNY celebration. Just like us :)



From a disabled young adult who is striving hard to be independent by making a living in the car wash service even though having to go for dialysis treatment three times a week, to a senior widow who is now able to operate a night market stall to sell toys and earn a living with her improved health after her dialysis treatment, these are some of the families that we are supporting through this program, where we give them a glimmer of hope to strive for a better future, showing to them that even though they are in a predicament now, there is still love and care from the society to accompany them to weather the storm.

RM60 will enable us to subsidise 1 session of treatment for 1 family.

RM180 will enable us to subsidise 1 week of 3 sessions treatment for 1 family.

RM300 will enable us to subsidise 1 session of treatment for 5 families.

Join us on our mission to provide peace of mind to five of these families via dialysis treatment subsidy from our Hand-in-Hand Dialysis Care program so that they could concentrate on their treatment and focus on rebuilding their lives.



家庭个案A: 一个患有肾病的父亲,和中风的太太,目前依靠着当罗里司机的儿子收入过活。

家庭个案B: 一个被两个孩子遗弃的妈妈,目前独居在租借的公寓。她除了有肾病,还有高血压和糖尿病。

家庭个案 C: 一个患有高血压,糖尿病,肾病,和曾经做过心脏手术的独居老人,目前从事行政工作来维持生活。

家庭个案 D: 一名独居的单身老人,患上红斑狼疮,甲状腺癌,哮喘, 高血压和肾病,目前依靠公积金来过活。

家庭个案 E: 一个患有肾病的丈夫,把毕生积蓄的公积金花完在洗肾费用,目前靠太太一人做两份工作来缴付洗肾费用。


耕心慈善协会的洗肾支援计划每月协助 肾病患者每人最高马币720令吉的医药费,为期6个月。这些洗肾病患的家庭,多数还在等待政府相关部门的医疗费援助,如卫生部和社会保险。在等待批准的当儿,耕心的援助能减轻他们的经济负担,度过艰难的时刻。这个筹款计划能协助5位洗肾病患长达6个月的洗肾费用。



我们希望这项援助能让洗肾病患或其家人有改善生活的机会,一星期三天的洗肾无法让他们有固定的工作和收入。藉此,耕心慈善除了减轻他们缴付洗肾费用的负担,也积极的协助他们找到自食其力的方式,如经营小生意来获取收入,维持家计。例子: 一位洗肾的年轻印裔男子,利用三天洗肾之外的时间,勤力的帮人洗车来赚取微薄的收入。一名寡妇在得到洗肾的援助后,身体状态有好转,目前可以在夜市靠售卖玩具来赚取些许的生活费。我们的援助能让他们度过困境,重见曙光,关爱和支持是他们面对困境的动力。


  • 马币60 令吉能援助1位洗肾病患1次的洗肾费用。
  • 马币80 令吉能援助1位洗肾病患1星期3次的洗肾费用。
  • 马币300令吉能援助5位洗肾病患1次的洗肾费用。




  • 援助 5 位洗肾病患 (4 月 & 5月) : RM7,200.
  • 援助 5 位洗肾病患 (6 月 & 7 月) : RM7,200.
  • 援助 5 位洗肾病患 (8 月 & 9 月) : RM7,200.
  • 共: RM21,600


Goal Breakdown

Goal 1 - Dialysis treatment subsidy for 5 beneficiaries (Apr&May). Amount Needed: MYR7,200.00

Goal 2 - Dialysis treatment subsidy for 5 beneficiaries (Jun&Jul). Amount Needed: MYR7,200.00

Goal 3 - Dialysis treatment subsidy for 5 beneficiaries (Aug&Sep). Amount Needed: MYR7,200.00

Nobody should be left alone with ill health. Your donation will do wonders for the families. Donate now!

MYR 8,211.63

Raised of MYR 21,600.00 target.







Spread the love


Amount Donated

MYR 20.00


Amount Donated

MYR 12.00

Anonymous Donor
Fenny Chee donate her angpau!

Amount Donated

MYR 50.00

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 50.00

Phua Eu Kien
Do not give up! May god bless you and your family.

Amount Donated

MYR 50.00

Mian Mian

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

Great Heart Charity Association

Established in 2010, Great Heart Charity Association (GHCA) is a tax-exempted, non-profit charitable organization in Malaysia. We aim to provide substantial and meaningful assistance to people who face difficulties in their life.

Individually, we may not be able to change the world to become the one we want to live in but we may be able to help people substantially on an individual or community level. As a result, our core value is making charitable giving a part of everyone’s life.

Our mission is to be the charity platform of choice to connect contributors, volunteers, and beneficiaries with the end result being making charitable giving a part of everyone’s life.

Our caring target includes underprivileged families, dialysis patients, orphanages, old folks home, persons with disabilities, and others.








Fundraisers supporting this Campaign

MYR 90.00

Raised of MYR 800.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 30.00

Raised of MYR 800.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 70.00

Raised of MYR 720.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 1,565.00

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 720.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 860.00

Raised of MYR 720.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 5,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 800.00

Raised of MYR 1,188.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 720.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 210.00

Raised of MYR 800.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 340.00

Raised of MYR 600.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 100.00

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 960.00

Raised of MYR 720.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended