

by Empowered The Cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia

MYR 1,241.63

Raised of MYR 70,000.00 target.



About 5 Years





Colorectal cancer, the most common cancer affecting men and second most common cancer in women after breast cancer in Malaysia, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality.

The precise cause of colorectal cancer is yet unknown, but there are many factors that play a role over a long period of time.  Hence, it is possible to detect the disease early, and thus improving the patient’s outcome of a successful recovery.

The survival rate for patients with colorectal cancer is closely correlated with the stage of the disease at diagnosis; the earlier the stage at diagnosis, the higher the chance of survival.

Awareness about colorectal cancer in Malaysia especially the low income communities remains a challenge.  Thus, EMPOWERED strives to increase the awareness of the under-privileged on colorectal cancer through customized colorectal cancer awareness and screening workshops.

EMPOWERED’s mission: To Save Lives, Preventing Cancer and Eliminating Suffering amongst the Poor!


Our annual signature campaign is carried out in 4 Phases:

Phase 1 - Awareness Workshop

Phase 2 - Screening Workshop

Phase 3 - Collection and Processing of Used Test (FIT) Kits

Phase 4 - Patient Support Program (Financial and Emotional Support)

The life span of this project usually lasts for 11 months, and the cost varies phases by phases, especially the last phase depending on the pick-up rate of cancer cases.

We aim to provide free screening for 300 eligible under-privileged individuals, age 50 to 70 (or any high risk individuals) under this program. 


  1. Information about colorectal cancer will reach the doorsteps of nearly 10,000 Malaysians in the selected underprivileged community each year.
  2. Through effective media channels, news about this program and pertinent data about the effects of this disease will reach millions of Malaysians across the country.
  3. Selected high risk Malaysians in this targeted community will be screened for colorectal cancer and undergo curative medical intervention.  These individuals will be given a chance to successfully recover from a potentially fatal disease.
  4. Eligible individual who is detected with pre-cancerous polyps will be appropriately managed and placed in medical surveillance programs.

Goal Breakdown

Goal 1 - Setting up of Screening workshop, screening kits, FIT-kit instructional brochures, educational & promotional materials, transportation for medical student volunteers, lab processing. Amount Needed: MYRRM17,661.00

Goal 2 - Patient Support Program include surgical, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hospitalization and transportation fees (it is projected that 7% of the total screened will have blood in the stool and 2% will have cancer). Amount Needed: MYRRM37,550.00

Goal 3 - Hospital Registration & Treatment Fees (it is projected that 7% of the total screened will have blood in the stool and 2% will have cancer). Amount Needed: MYRRM14,500.00

You can help now by GIVING to our campaign, “Hand in-hand, help the under-privileged FIGHT Colorectal Cancer”. Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference, together we can give the under-privileged their basic rights to live long, healthy and meaningful lives especially in the area of colorectal cancer where early detection makes a life saving difference to one’s life. DONATE now!

MYR 1,241.63

Raised of MYR 70,000.00 target.







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Amount Donated

MYR 1,065.00

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 100.00


Amount Donated

MYR 50.00


About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

Empowered The Cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia

EMPOWERED - The Cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia (Persatuan Advokasi Kanser Malaysia)'s mission is to save lives, prevent cancer and serve the poor who are afflicted with cancer in Malaysia. EMPOWERED was formed primarily to help and assure the poor that cancer is not a death sentence. EMPOWERED recognizes that health is usually a low priority in the lives of low income community residents due to their pressing survival needs. And due to the myths and unnecessary fears many of them may have about cancer and its treatments, the residents may make wrong decisions about their health. EMPOWERED aims to equip the residents with the education and support they need to make important changes in their lifestyles by bringing personalized cancer programs right to their doorsteps.  In a nutshell, EMPOWERED brings cancer education, early detection screening programs and personalized support into the homes and communities of low income Malaysians.

Fundraisers supporting this Campaign