
Invest in a Drug Free Malaysia!

by Drug Free Malaysia

MYR 914.28

Raised of MYR 10,000.00 target.



Over 1 Year





  • 1 in every 254 Malaysians is a drug addict.

Malaysia’s National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) records 128,325 individuals as being involved in drug abuse as of 2020. This number is a 9.8% increase from the previous year and only half of those identified are in rehab.


  • 65% are youth between the age of 19-39 years old.

More than half (83,401) of drug addicts in Malaysia are youth without formal education. They cited peer pressure and curiosity as reasons for drug abuse.


  • Instability and difficulties faced amidst Covid-19 pandemic possibly led to addiction.

UNODC World Drug Report (2021) cited difficulties and economic implications as a possible cause for vulnerable communities to be driven into addiction and substance abuse. During lockdown, surveys found reasons related to the pandemic such as boredom has led to substance abuse in some. This pandemic imposed new challenges to organizations such as Drug Free Malaysia in our bid for a Drug Free Malaysia.


  • 1 daripada 254 rakyat Malaysia ialah penagih dadah.

Sehingga tahun 2020, set data oleh Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan (AADK) merekodkan seramai 128,325 individu terlibat dalam aktiviti penyalahgunaan dadah. Jumlah ini telah meningkat 9.8% daripada tahun sebelumnya. Hanya sebahagian daripada jumlah ini melalui program pemulihan.


  • 65% adalah belia berusia antara 19-39 tahun.

Seramai 83,401 individu yang direkodkan AADK tergolong dalam kategori remaja dan belia. Majoriti daripada individu terlibat penyalahgunaan dadah di dalam set data ini tidak bersekolah dan menyatakan punca penglibatan sebagai pengaruh rakan sebaya ataupun rasa ingin tahu.


  • Kesulitan yang dihadapi akibat Covid-19 berkemungkinan cetus ketagihan.

Laporan UNODC (World Drug Report, 2021) telah memetik kesukaran yang di alami komuniti berisiko akibat ketidakstabilan ekonomi ketika pandemik ini mungkin mendorong kepada penyalahgunaan dadah. Malah semasa tempoh sekatan atau 'lockdown', perasaan bosan didapati menjadi punca individu mula menyalahgunakan dadah. Pandemik ini telah membawa cabaran baru bagi organisasi seperti Drug Free Malaysia untuk terus membanteras penyalahgunaan dadah.



Drug Free Malaysia (DFM) is a non-governmental organization registered with Registry of Societies Malaysia (ROS). The main purpose of its establishment is to increase the awareness of substance abuse implications on individuals, families, friends, communities, and the country. DFM uses a unique approach for youths to fill their spare time through various enrichment activities that mainly involves extreme sports and music.

Music bands under DFM are actively advocating through their music and drug-free lifestyle influence that quickly set an example for youths. DFM is committed and have been consistently working towards a Drug Free Malaysia alongside AADK and NGO partners such as Pemadam, Pengasih and MASAC for activities and campaigns such as:

  • Skateboard Class
  • Music Class
  • Motivational Camp
  • Free Tuition
  • Establishment of Children Learning Centre
  • Establishment of Playground


Dedicated to youths from families with low socioeconomic status, some of the activities are made to be free. However, most activities require funding to be implemented. As a non-governmental organization, DFM does rely on support from public donations from time to time.


Drug Free Malaysia (DFM) ialah sebuah organisasi bukan kerajaan yang berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia atau ROS. Tujuan utama DFM ditubuhkan ialah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai implikasi penyalahgunaan dadah kepada individu, keluarga, rakan, komuniti dan negara. DFM menggunakan pendekatan yang unik dengan memenuhi masa lapang remaja dan belia dengan pelbagai aktiviti terutamanya sukan ekstrim dan seni muzik untuk mengelakkan mereka daripada terjebak dengan penyalahgunaan dadah.

Kugiran dibawah seliaan DFM juga melakukan advokasi melalui penghasilan lagu dan gaya hidup bebas dadah yang dijadikan contoh kepada remaja dan belia. DFM bekerjasama secara konsisten dengan Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan dan rakan NGO seperti Pemadam, Pengasih dan MASAC untuk menjayakan pelbagai aktiviti dan kempen. Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan DFM untuk belia Malaysia:

  • Kelas Skateboard
  • Kelas Musik
  • Kem Motivasi
  • Kelas Tambahan Percuma
  • Penubuhan Pusat Pembelajaran Kanak-Kanak
  • Pembinaan Taman Permainan

Menyasarkan remaja dan belia dikalangan isi rumah berpendapatan rendah atau tidak berkemampuan, sebahagian daripada aktiviti DFM adalah percuma. Namun, terdapat aktiviti yang memerlukan dana untuk dijayakan. Sebagai sebuah organisasi bukan kerajaan, DFM juga memerlukan sokongan dana daripada sumbangan orang awam.



Currently, DFM is planning to establish a smart learning centre in PPR Subang Bestari. The centre will provide a healthy and conducive learning environment for children, teenagers, and young adults in the area. The idea to build this centre also includes providing computers, internet access and sustainable programs from time to time.


Donations received from the public will be used to implement DFM’s plan and programs consistently. For more information, visit DFM’s website at


Terkini, DFM merancang untuk menubuhkan sebuah pusat pembelajaran pintar di kawasan PPR Subang Bestari. Pusat pembelajaran pintar ini akan ditubuhkan untuk memberikan persekitaraan yang sihat kepada kanak-kanak, remaja dan belia di kawasan tersebut. Cadangan penubuhan pusat pembelajaran pintar ini juga merangkumi akses kepada komputer, internet dan program pengisian berkala dari masa ke semasa.

Sumbangan dana daripada orang awam akan digunakan untuk membolehkan pelan DFM dijayakan secara konsisten. Sebarang pertanyaan lanjut, layari laman web DFM di


*For international donors, please ensure your credit/debit card is enrolled in 3D security for a transaction to be successful. Alternatively you may use e-wallet options available in the payment option. 


Drug Free Malaysia dengan kerjasama Profit Titan membawakan Bengkel Amal: Magnet Rezeki Maya untuk penderma yang berminat. Pelajari rahsia kejayaan menjana ekonomi dalam dunia maya dari panel berpengalaman. Untuk menyertai:

1. Klik butang 'Donate'

2. Pilih amaun RM100.00

3. Isi alamat e-mel dan nama penuh

4. Pastikan opsyen 'Yes! I want all my donation to go to the Beneficiary (round up my donation to cover the 6.5% service and bank fees).' telah dipilih agar amaun akhir sumbangan menjadi RM106.50 setelah caj servis.

5. Klik butang 'Donate'

6. Lampirkan tangkap layar (screenshot) sumbangan di borang berikut: Magnet Rezeki Maya

Layari untuk maklumat lanjut.


Drug Free Malaysia in collaboration with Profit Titan brings Charity Workshop: Magnet Rezeki Maya for interested donors. Learn the secret to online economical success from experienced panelists. To register: 

1. Click on 'Donate'

2. Select amount RM100.00

3. Fill in your email address and full name

4. Ensure the option 'Yes! I want all my donation to go to the Beneficiary (round up my donation to cover the 6.5% service and bank fees).' has been selected so the final amount of donation will be RM106.50 after service and bank fees.

5. Click 'Donate'

6. Upload a screenshot of your donation to this form: Magnet Rezeki Maya

Visit for more information.

Invest in A Drug Free Malaysia Today!

MYR 914.28

Raised of MYR 10,000.00 target.







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Amount Donated

MYR 10.00

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 10.65

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 10.65

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 10.65

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 10.65

Anonymous Donor

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

Drug Free Malaysia

Drug Free Malaysia is a non-profit body registered with Registration Of Society which was established from 2017 before changing its name from Drug Free Youth Association registered under Registration Of Youth in 2010. The main purpose of establishing DFM is to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse to individuals, family, friends, community & Country. DFM's approach is to fill the youth's free time with various activities, especially music and extreme sports to avoid the youth from unhealthy symptoms and other social problems. DFM consists of youths who love music and extreme sports. DFM also tries to promote a healthy & positive lifestyle through the songs produced. The bands under the auspices of DFM are also clean from all social symptoms and drug abuse. Drug Free Malaysia also organizes campaigns to promote positive living values ​​such as Anti-Racism Day, against the destruction of nature, anti-drug campaign, Straight Edge and also a day without tobacco. World anti -drug day and anti -drug day are celebrated annually by DFM. We work closely with the National Anti -Drug Agency and our NGO Partners Pemadam, Pengasih and MASAC.