
DivInc 1.0

by AIESEC in Sunway

MYR 3,926.15

Raised of MYR 5,000.00 target.



Over 1 Year





Based on a recent study by UNICEF, Malaysian culture frequently hides and excludes children with disabilities from society. The study highlighted that 43% of Malaysians felt that "children with disabilities would be disruptive in a mainstream class" and "1 in 3 believe children with disabilities should be hidden". This implies that the kids are typically not highly engaged in extracurricular activities, education, and work opportunities outside of their homes. With this, the youths of today may struggle to have a deeper understanding of special needs, and thus they are unable to promote inclusion.

Their circumstances are considerably more challenging given the current political and economic climate. Therefore, they frequently need assistance from non-government-funded centres to help their kids develop their motor, sensory, and cognitive skills to better prepare them for life in mainstream society — for example, IMC Training Centre for Special Needs.

What is IMC?

IMC is a passionate training centre devoted to developing children and individuals with Special Needs. Through personalised learning with dedicated staff and volunteers, IMC aims to not only prepare the Special Children to develop the skills that will aid them in society but also instil good moral attitudes in them alongside a replenished sense of self-worth. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IMC is facing various challenges, such as the lack of voluntary manpower and donations, which affects their operation and makes them unable to support the Special Children and orphans that are completely under their guardianship.

On the other side, according to a publication by ASEAN, significant progress has been made for women and girls in the region especially on access to education, participation in the labour force and reproductive health. Girls and young women continue to face challenges such as different types of violence and discrimination. In both formal and informal sectors, women earn less than their male counterparts and have limited opportunities to break the glass ceiling.

Moreover, women and girls in Malaysia currently feel that they are not adequately protected under Malaysia's current legal system. Specifically, they are not aware of their personal rights and therefore do not understand how to actively advocate for better gender equality. This ultimately ushered in the rise of several NGOs dedicated towards the constant fight and empowerment for women's rights.

Inclusivity and equality play important roles in making our world a better place


The Solution


DivInc 1.0 is a combination of Get Fit, Get Inclusive 7.0 and Take Action, Live Equal 2.0. It is a crowdfunding initiative to support inclusion and equality in Malaysia by AIESEC in Sunway.

The goal of our campaign, DivInc 1.0 is:

  • To raise funds for IMC, NGOs for gender equality and AIESEC’s volunteering initiatives through the sales of merchandise and donations.
  • To support IMC in providing a safe and special environment for special needs children.
  • To support  NGOs in continuing to provide a safe and secure environment for all people in crisis, irrespective of gender
  • To advocate for special needs children against the inequality they face
  • To encourage and empower youths to actively advocate for better gender equality.

Our campaign’s ultimate goal is to change the mindset of the public, to make the society see the special needs children as well as to awaken the diversity and tolerance in society towards gender equality.

Through this DivInc 1.0 initiative, we hope to

  • Increase awareness among the public by spotlighting the stigma and discrimination experienced by Special Children and empower youths to actively advocate for better gender equality

  • Raise funds to support IMC in potentially constructing a new centre to support more Special Needs Children and to also support their daily operation

  • Raise funds to support NGOs for gender equality in continuing to provide a safe and secure environment for all people in crisis, irrespective of gender, 

  • Raise funds to execute AIESEC's SDG5 (Gender Equality) initiatives which aim to end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.

  • Raise funds to execute AIESEC’s Get Fit, Get Inclusive initiative (GFGI), a  community project aligning with SDG Goal #10: Reduced Inequalities which aims to assist Special Children in Malaysia by conducting activities that support the development of Special Children's mental and social skills



You can make a pure donation, redeem our merchandise or make a direct merchandise purchase.✨ All donations will receive a notecard as a token of appreciation.🧸

The offered merchandises are as follows:


Promotion starts from 21/1 to 25/1

1. T-Shirt - RM28 (20% off)

2. Tote bag - RM13 (15% off)

3. Stickers (2 sets) - RM4 (20% off)


Ala Carte

1. T-Shirt - RM35

2. Tote bag - RM15

3. Stickers (2 sets) - RM5



[A] - RM48 (1 T-Shirt + 1 Tote bag)

[B] - RM38 (1 T-Shirt + 2 set of stickers)

[C] - RM18 (1 Tote bag + 2 sets of sticker)

[D] - RM50 (1 T-Shirt + 1 Tote bag + 2 sets of stickers)


Pair Discounts

2 T-Shirts - RM65

2 Tote bags - RM28

4 sets of stickers - RM8


✨What do you need to do after donating?✨

**Please consider donating an additional RM 5 - 10 to cover your shipping costs - this is to ensure that the full price of the merchandise can be donated to our beneficiary❤️



  • Majority of the proceeds earned through this fundraising campaign will go into supporting IMC in continuing their operations

  • The remaining sum will be applied by AIESEC to continue supporting and sustaining our future projects around Bandar Sunway.

  • The merchandise prices offered cover both the cost of production and GivingHub’s 4.5% tax, however, it does not cover cost of shipping.



One small step from YOU but one big difference for THEM 

On behalf of the DivInc 1.0 team and AIESEC in Sunway, we appreciate your time, attention and support. Over our few times running this initiative, we have seen the goodwill and kindness of our society in supporting the Special Needs community and gender equality😍 Donations greatly help their cause and allow us to continue advocating for and raising awareness regarding the challenges that the Special Needs community faces and the operations of NGOs supporting gender equality!!

Once again, thank you for your donation. ❣️

Contribute now! 💖

MYR 3,926.15

Raised of MYR 5,000.00 target.







Spread the love


Amount Donated

MYR 100.00


Amount Donated

MYR 33.00

CS Noob Min
Hi Jiun Cheng bb

Amount Donated

MYR 53.25

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 55.00

Anonymous Donor

Amount Donated

MYR 106.50

Anonymous Donor

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

AIESEC in Sunway

Our Identity

AIESEC is the world's largest non-profit youth-run organization. It is an international non-governmental not-for-profit organisation that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural global internships, and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe. The organization focuses on empowering young leaders to make a positive impact on society through actions.


Our Vision

AIESEC strives for Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind's Potential as an organisation. 

In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace can symbolise a world that does not have conflicts that arise from cultural, religious, or other aspects of differences in humanity. Peace can also symbolise being in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of peace while respecting and understanding the views of others.

Through Fulfilment of Humankind’s Potential, AIESEC strives for a world where people can be the best version of themselves.


Our Action

We place our confidence in youth because they have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today. Hence, AIESEC is a platform for young leaders to run projects that are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure its relevance to the local community needs. We aim to be part of the solution for a betterment of Malaysia.

Fundraisers supporting this Campaign

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 21.30

Raised of MYR 5,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 150.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 200.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 84.55

Raised of MYR 400.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 200.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 200.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 127.81

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 21.30

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 202.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 300.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 1,798.69

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 302.47

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 26.63

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 200.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 210.65

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 300.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 117.15

Raised of MYR 500.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended