
Help Sabah's Rural Families Survive Sustainably with Food Security

by Hopes Malaysia Welfare Association

MYR 1,785.49

Raised of MYR 20,000.00 target.



About 2 Years





Rural Sabah families are struggling to survive hunger throughout The Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has left many with worsen livelihoods and uncertainty. This is even more extreme in Sabah - one of the Poorest States in Malaysia with over 40,000 classified as "hardcore poor". Deep in poverty, the district of Kota Belud alone houses over 74 remote and rural villages, with most communities not connected to any basic utilities. Rural farmers, mothers and children are facing overwhelming, worsening issues, especially Food Insecurity.

Dire Issues Faced By The Rural Sabah Community

1. Due to the Remoteness, Scattered Villages, Underdeveloped Transport, Poor Utilities and Covid-19 Concerns, rural villagers are unable to buy daily groceries from town, making them heavily reliant on farming their own crops for self-consumption.

2. Job loss and high living costs in the city have forced people and their families to return to their rural villages and they are solely relying on Farming as their only means to Eat, Earn and Live.

3, Long-term Monoculture Farming (growing only one type of crop such as rubber and palm oil) and a lack of water supply causes soil in these villages to be Infertile with Poor Nutrition.

4. Rural families do not have the proper skills, knowledge and materials for sustainable farming. In the long-term, this results in not having enough daily food and nutrients. FOOD INSECURITY occurs causing Imbalanced Diets and Poor Health, especially for children.

5. Continuous poverty and unemployment have Worsened Rural Livelihoods. Families now depend on Unsustainable External Aid (Food Bags) to live instead of growing their own food.



Together We Can Fight Rural Hunger And Achieve Food Security For Families

By empowering the rural community with the skills, knowledge and tools needed to start green, sustainable small-scale farming, families are able to make use of their own land to improve their Long-term Food Security - Growing Own Food For Self-Consumption And Sustainable Livelihoods.

1) Families clear land and set-up farms with the tools and long-lasting materials given.

2) Utilising the rural community’s gravity water system, families are able to Fertilise The Land (using hugelkultur method) and start Growing Diverse Crops (seedlings). 

3) Introduction Of Chicken And Fish Farming as reliable protein sources to families who excel in farming. Materials are given to set-up chicken coops / fish tanks.


“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

1) Enables rural families to grow a variety of fresh vegetables, fish and chicken for Self-Consumption; better nutrition intake in their daily diets leads to Improved Health and Children’s Development.

2) Villagers are able to take advantage of Green Farming Methods, such as Vermicomposting (worm fertiliser) for free to further enhance crop health, quality and harvest; reducing natural waste for Zero Wastage, while moving away from harmful traditional farming methods that pollute the environment.

3) Families are able to Increase Savings as food and farming costs are reduced. Additionally, rural families do not need to travel during this pandemic for food as they will have a Constant Food Supply Available Any Time at home, especially during food crises4) Excess produce does not go to waste as it is Sold Within The Local Community or given to rural families in need of Food Aid; this improves the farmers’ household Income while also helping other underprivileged villagers with their Food Security.

5) By tackling the UN’s SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being) and SDG 15 (Life on Land), empowered rural farming families are able to reach Food Self-Sufficiency Sustainably and Improve Their Livelihoods for the long-term future.

Donate now and help the rural families live better and eventually, break the cycle of poverty!


For our Kota Belud villagers, farming is one of the only ways for them to have a better life. Each donation goes towards helping them farm sustainably for a brighter future, with many greatly in need of materials to start. Thank you so much for supporting the rural families and their children during these tough times.

Learn more about our work: 

Support families:


Living in the remote area of Kampung Pinolobuh, Kota Belud; Puan Nurul had always been farming even before joining this project, but never succeeded due to insufficient farming  knowledge. She had no idea about vermicomposting, the different types of soil and its uses, and had never thought of building a farming frame to protect her crops. After having to encounter all these challenges on her own, she started to lose hope in farming

After joining and learning from this project, she is now highly enthusiastic in farming. “I felt really lucky to be able to join this project, because I can learn with other farmers together and have proper farming guidance given by the team,” said Puan Nurul.

MYR 1,785.49

Raised of MYR 20,000.00 target.







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Amount Donated

MYR 213.00

Anonymous Donor
All the best

Amount Donated

MYR 50.00

Anonymous Donor

About the Organization/Project behind this Campaign

Hopes Malaysia Welfare Association

Hopes Malaysia is an emerging non-governmental organisation based in Kota Kinabalu,
focusing on Sustainable Community Development projects to meet the basic needs
of the underprivileged, marginalized Sabah community. Food Insecurity, inaccessibility
to Clean Water
 and the Need for Better Livelihoods are just some of the pressing issues we
tackle to provide rural families with a brighter future.

Since 2016, Hopes Malaysia has been actively empowering remote and rural villages in
Kadamaian, Kota Belud, Sabah, helping over 8,000 villagers in rural communities via
sustainable, long-term projects. We have since connected more than 30 kilometers of piping
to bring water to rural families. With this, we have introduced over 80 rural families to 17
new types
of local produce and poultry rearing, consistently harvesting 70 kilograms of fish
and 60 chicken eggs daily. This has improved the rural community's food security
and increased farmers income by 53% via selling extra produce.

Hopes Malaysia is now expanding its work to empower more rural families in sustainable
small-scale farming
, ultimately leading to improved self-sustainable livelihoods and food
for the long-term future!

Fundraisers supporting this Campaign

MYR 100.65

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 201.70

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 67.28

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 421.90

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 116.51

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 52.60

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 50.65

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 0.00

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended

MYR 511.20

Raised of MYR 1,000.00 target.

This fundraiser has ended